Sunday, January 18, 2009

Trying to kneedown on a Naked Bike

Yesterday I was so bored at home, so I suit up and called my buddy to come and shoot me in action. I wanted to try to kneedown using the Super Duke.

I head out to the nearest roundabout I could find and went around it once to make sure it's safe for me to attempt it. I felt rather awkward hanging off the bike, because of the handle bar positioning is completely different from a superbike and the rear end has the tendency to slide, maybe it's because of the tyre. The Katoom has a Metzeler Sportec M3 fitted both front and rear. Everytime I tried to lean more I started to lose the rear end. After trying for some time the traffic started to get heavier and the skies looks it's going to rain, so I didn't manage to kneedown but at least I tried.

Here's some of the photo of my attempted knee down somewhere around Shah Alam.

I've got to watch out for inbound traffic, if I don't be careful I might get hurt. It may seem a bit dangerous but you should blame the government for not having enough facility for us bikers to use.


matchip said...

Kan aku dah cakap KTM tak best, Z1000 eddy selamba je cecah lutut.

BedahNooB said...

hahahaha bukan apa tayar x best, takut dowh, jadi gayat. kau bagi aku motor apa dgn tayar best, selamba je aku kneedown hehehe (poyo giler) tapi on a serious note, the KTM realy bites you if you dont concentrate. Scary giler

matchip said...

Very good. The key is, Usaha Tangga Kejayaan!

barongan said...

Syabas bro ape pun keselamatan perlu dijaga...berakit-rakit ke hulu berenang-renang ketepian bersakit-sakit dahulu bersenang-senang kemudian...adios

Unknown said...

good luck next time bro

comel said...

meleper memang best mana2 moto best
ni kata2 hikmah pak su aku seorang mat rempit:

kalu nak layan lap kena konpiden!kalu sangsi siket je konfirm jatuh
pernah aku try

cube la cube la!