Everyone checking out they belongings, usually there is always something left behind.
Warming up ourbike. The original proposal was to go up to Sungai Petani and get to Baling then head up to Pengkalan Hulu. Since we are convince that Butterworth-Kulim expressway is not as bad as we tought, we choose to go on that route.
Doa led by Fadhilah. May Allah bless our journey.
Fadhilah request to go to the Mega Fortune again to put on a wind shield, he can't stand the wind force anymore. So I led them all to the Mega Fortune at Batu Lanchang in the island and we'll have our breakfast near there. Found out that the shop only opens at 10:00a.m. And what is a little disappointment for all of us, there is no Muslim food near around. So we have to hog around the street while looking at a mamak stall which is open. We found one about 2km from the shop, and Fadhilah make a wise move calling the shop to see is the windscreen is available in stock. Good news for all of us when they don't. Hehe... So we just enjoy our breakfast.
Found one small stall near the road selling nasi kandar. This is too heavy for me so I skipped it.
The cuttlefish egg is very very nice. It's hard to get this in KL and you can only get it in certain season only.
Huhu... looks like it's my lost.
So after our breakfast, we get out from the island through the Penang Bridge. We're not planning to stop untill Gerik. Our fuel are enough all the way to Banding actually.
Baling-Gerik Expressway. Total fun of knee dragging & flat-laying is 51km.
A+++ corners. My best rated street road second after Karak Highway. The corners are more extreme and it's a hill climbing most of it. So you know how I'll love the positive chamber on that every corners.
I felt a little selfish on this road. While usually I would wait for the others to follow, I felt I'll lost every corners I take without enjoying every one them if I choose to wait. So bye bye. I want to enjoy this. Muahahaha...
The road ends at a cross road. One lead to Pengkalan Hulu, where Bedah mistakenly choose that route, one to Banding and the other to Gerik town. We head to Gerik town and fuel up there.
Someone predict it'll would rain. So we sheltered here while waiting the weather forecast.
Nahh... the weather is terrific! Just nice for the tyres to do justice to our bike! Damn, I'm so loved the Corsas.
I want to U-turn and do it all over again.
The end of that awesome road.
After fueling up, we head to Pulau Banding. I'm a little bit disappointed. I was actually thinking that this will be the ultimate climax. But the road condition is not that fine, but it is still enjoyable. Maybe as they say were right, it might be the best in 3 years ago. But lorries and buses had made this road fill with patches. And some corners are sandy too. But the apex and turn are all in the right angle. One sweeping corner is soooo long that I was thinking I'll be back to the same point. Hopefully the government will tar the road back again just to please our selfish act of riding fast in the streets. Hehehehe....
So here we are, Pulau Banding. The jetty is were mostly people hang out. If I'm right The Temenggor Lake is a man made marvel with a boosting 15,200 hectares area. Lots of army are been trained here. Fishing spot and fresh air are the main attraction. But we are attracted to the roads.
I snap the jetty from the end bridge.
There are two bridges joining the Pulau Banding with the main land. This is the one that joins to Jeli.
Arrival of the boys. Abang Indra leads. They actually waited for all members at the Petronas about 1km before. I proposed lunch here, but since everyone of them have had a heavy breakfast, so we might as well skip all the way to Jeli or Jerteh.
Najib with his z750s.
Pojie, Abg Mat Noor.
Hazmi on his ZX7R.
Pojie again.
His twin, Bedah.
Abg Mat Noor.
I'm was hoping they develop a Bluetooth remote control for my DSLR so I could place and take my own shot. Hahaha... Not yet, some other years I think.
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