Everyone seems to have a good sleep.
The looks on Epol handsome face testify to us all.
So do Abg Suindra.
After breakfast, we all geared up for another long journey.
Najib knows how to acts in front of the lens.
Two bro getting ready to roll.
Like any other day, we pray to Allah to keep us safe and guide us well through out the journey.
At 10:00a.m., we're about to head to my grandmother's place. I saw her the day before and she is excited to meet the boys. So I made a promise that I came by before I left. We all fuel up before the journey. Without warning, Hazmi's bike shows some sign of trouble. The bike gasping & chocking, like has not enough fuel. The fuel pump vibrates, it seems like a wiring problem. I called Ah Meng and ask his opinions, he suspected and asked to check on the relay. So we push the bike to the nearest workshop. Sadly, no one want to touch the bike. It's been too long since Hazmi wash it. Kidding.... They are not a superbike shop, none of them are, so it's risky for them to gamble on the job. Hazmi looks frustrated, but Fadhilah seems confident to solve it. So they both dig in themselves. I know this will take some time so I head the boys to my grandma house first, it's just a kilometers away. My dad and mom was there too. Hehehe... So I left them all to be interviewed by my dad while I go check out on them two.
Upon arriving, I saw Hazmi had strip all the bikes apart. Fadhilah went to get a fuel pump. That one seems to be the problem, so he scout for one in bandar Jerteh.
Limited tools and limited knowledge. We don't like limit this hour don't we. Hazmi strip down he's bike near a mechanic shop. Thanks to them for lending some tools for us to work with.
Hazmi checking for the fuse while I snap some pictures of him. Hehe. If this was Bedah, I'm sure X-Sara will have another good laugh. Ye Bedah?
More checking.
So come Fadhilah, he explains the fuel pump seems lack of power. So the fuel suck isn't as efficient as it would be. Thus, giving the gasping effect. Sound believable? Believe it. The fuel pump cost Hazmi another RM70.00. After fitting up the pump, I see that it needed few mod to survive our long ride, but we are still a minimal on tools despite of the kindness of the mechanic near by to lend a tools (I was hoping a hand). I pickup the old pump and went for a surgery. The contact point inside the pump looks wear-ed. Rectifying the problem with a sand paper, we try to fit the old pump back. Walla, it works. But it's already 1:oop.m. After that we 3 head out to join the boys.
I see the boys relaxing outside the porch. Hazmi got a full session of Q&A. A bike that gives trouble halts the program. But all of them boys are understanding and it feels great when everyone has no problem with it. Friends sticks to each other. Well done. Tap your self on your head, you guys deserve it.
My mom invites us for lunch. The boys thought that would be nice. She cooks ikan singam, telur dadar, daging, ulam and budu, and some ikan masin. A typical lunch at kampong style. I'm surprised how much Bedah likes to eat budu. Cayala!
Some of us got the covered parking space.
Not enough room for Poji and Hazmi.
Rains start to fall.
Hazmi felt he needed a quick wash, maybe preparing for another trouble. Hehehe...
Here's my dad. Epol asked me how old is he, I was biting my fingers. I really don't pay attention to it. I just hope he stay young and healthy always. Hehehe. He likes when he knows someone live close by, or places he use to go. So Fadhilah seems fit to kept on the conversation.
After the lunch, at the time was 3:00p.m., we need to start moving. I counting head that we'll be in KL sometime in midnight. Hmm... and there's Karak to go by. Not a nice idea. So the plan to go through the beach road stays. The road is much better condition from the normal Jerteh-Permaisuri-KT road. And the view is nice too. We stop at Penarik to catch some of natures wonder.
I leave the camera to Bedah and he snaps some good photos.
I like my bike close by, so I parked nearest to the shed.
Checking the GPS. I wish it was like 30km away only, or 1000km of sweeping corners.
This is discipline.
I can watch the sea a whole day.
Epol with his bike.
Hazmi enjoys the wind blowing through his hair. Epol like it. Huh?
It was Bedah idea to sit back and enjoys this. Nice idea!
(You should pronounce it as in the Winning Eleven game.. Hehe).
So off the relaxing. We head to Kuala Terengganu. Penarik had made ourselves the desire to jumps into the ocean. So we thought Eddy's chalet at Dungun will suite us fine. He did say Dungun, but he didn't say where. As busy as Kuala Terengganu is, we all got split and I see we are on three groups. Fadhilah and me, Mat Noor, Yan and Eddy, and Poji, Bedah, Suindra, Hazmi and Epol. Najib ran solo. Hehehe... I did stop at Rantau Abang but we saw the 2nd group just speed by us. Abg Indra's group just enjoy the riding speed. So I guess Eddy's chalet be out of the map. I SMSes all of them to regroup at Paka.
From Jerteh, we arrived at Paka at 7:30p.m.@#$%!!!
I clutch feels hard, dropping gears on the corners is a let down. Got my self a WD40 here, for a whooping of RM16, and case solved. So you think KL is expensive huh?
This restaurant sells lauk-lauk mamak.
3 days of hard revving. Superbike are built to last.
At Paka, we decide to have our dinner at Geliga, Chukai. The stops there are popular among busses. We got played with few rempit on the way at Kerteh. I gave them a signal that we're not interested. This guys are just like 20 something. Young and stupid. Just like us. Errr... We behave. I wonder this ride would be if Sifoo Is are with us. Miss him on the Baling-Gerik corners, Banding-Jeli, Jalan Pantai. If he was here I think he smoked them all and I'll be shaking my head from the back.
At Geliga, Mat Noor gets us sata. It was great, but a little bit spicy. A must try if you pass by here.
Food stall all in a row. Just pick one you like.
On this journey, Epol and Bedah find what true friendship are about.
Mat Noor promoting the lovely tasty sata.
Yan promoting the sata as well. It basically a fish with coconut. Little spicy because they add some chilli as well. Great stuff!
Cuttlefish is my favorite. Ask my wife!
But this one reminds me of Tremos bleeding to death. Such not a nice word to type to a food.
I eat them too la....
Everyone enjoys their late dinner.
Later that night, some of us feel the journey is to far and will be exhausting to resume. It 10:00p.m. after the dinner. I made a promise to my wife that I'll be back, so I think I'll get home and since it's Monday, I could cover all the work I leave for this ride. Mat Noor, Abg Suindra, Hazmi, Bedah, Fadhilah and Poji follows. Yan, Epol, Najib and Eddy stays for the night. This is the last snap for that night. We all tired as well, I think we pushed ourselves to the limit on this journey.
At Temerloh, I can't remember how much cans of Red Bull that I drank. But all of us safely reach home about 2:00a.m. You can see I'm too tired as well that I skipped all the snapping to Blog. He he he...
Thank you all for participating. It's a one great experience for me. It's a one lovely nice ride!
I'll be eager for the next one.
ohh penarikk..my luvly kampung
Oh ye ke? Mesti best membesar kat tepi pantai :)
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